Holly Huse
Onida, South Dakota

Long-term, chronic infections caused by bacteria can last for weeks to decades. During infection, bacteria adapt to the host environment and often become resistant to antibiotic treatment. The goal of my research is to identify and understand the adaptations that allow bacteria to persist in the host long-term. My goal is to use this information to identify potential drug targets, with the overall aim of improving patients’ quality of life and disease outcomes.
Personal Background/Interests
I received my B.S. in biology from the University of South Dakota. Following college, I spent a year working as a laboratory technician in a microbial ecology lab at the University of California, Davis. I started my Ph.D. in microbiology at the University of Texas at Austin in 2007 and joined Marvin Whiteley’s lab in February 2008.
PublicationsHuse, H. K. and Whiteley, M. 2011. 4-quinolones: Smart Phones of the Microbial World. Chemical Reviews 111(1): 152-9.
Huse, H. K., Kwon, T., Zlosnik, J. E. A., Speert, D. P., Marcotte, E. M., and Whiteley, M. 2010. Parallel evolution in Pseudomonas aeruginosa over 39,000 generations in vivo. mBIO. 1(4): e00199-10.
Laurent, J., Vogel, C., Kwon, T., Craig, S. A., Boutz, D. R., Huse, H. K., Nozue, K., Walia, H., Whiteley, M., Ronald, P., and Marcotte, E. M. 2010. Protein abundances are more conserved than mRNA abundances across diverse taxa. Proteomics 10(23): 4209-12.
Graham, D.E. and Huse, H.K. 2008. Methanogens with pseudomurein use diaminopimelate aminotransferase in lysine biosynthesis. FEBS Letters 582(9): 1369-1374.
December 2012
Biofilms 5 International Conference, Paris, France
Title: Evolution of enhanced Psl exopolysaccharide production in chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa cystic fibrosis isolates
Authors: Holly K. Huse, Peter Jorth, and Marvin Whiteley
November 2012
Texas branch meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Waco, TX
Title: Evolution of enhanced Psl exopolysaccharide production in chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa cystic fibrosis isolates
Authors: Holly K. Huse, Peter Jorth, and Marvin Whiteley
November 2010
Texas branch meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, San Marcos, TX
Title: Parallel Evolution in Pseudomonas aeruginosa over 39,000 generations in vivo
Authors: Holly K. Huse, Taejoon Kwon, Edward M. Marcotte, and Marvin Whiteley
July 2011: Gordon Research Conference on Microbial Population Biology
Title: Parallel Evolution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during 39,000 generations in vivo
Authors: Holly K. Huse and Marvin Whiteley
August 2009: International conference on Pseudomonas, Hannover, Germany
Title: Evolution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during chronic infection
Authors: Holly K. Huse, Taejoon Kwon, James Zlosnik, David Speert, Edward M. Marcotte, and Marvin Whiteley
June 2009: FEBS-EMBO Molecular and Cellular Membrane Biology Course, Cargese, France
Title: Mechanistic insights into bacterial outer membrane vesicle fusion
Authors: Holly K. Huse and Marvin Whiteley
November 2008: Meeting of the Texas/south central branches of the American Society for
Microbiology, Austin, TX
Title: You've Got Mail: Sensing a Hydrophobic Quorum Signal
Authors: Holly K. Huse and Marvin Whiteley
Honors and Awards
November 2012: Graduate School Professional Development Award ($1,000)
May 2012: Lola Ellis Robertson Endowed Scholarship ($3,160)
April 2012: William Powers, Jr. Graduate Fellowship ($25,000)
February 2012: Eugene and Millicent Goldschmidt Award ($10,000)
Spring 2011-2012: Graduate School Continuing Fellowship ($21,200)
November 2010: S. Edward Sulkin Award ($100)
August 2009: A. P. Bradie Endowed Fellowship ($1000)
Fall 2007-2008: Preemptive Graduate School Fellowship ($21,200)
May 2006: University of South Dakota Honors Senior Thesis with distinction
April 2005: Phi Beta Kappa