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Darch SE & Whiteley M (2015). Show Me the SNPs: How Bacterial Sex Generates Diversity in the Cystic Fibrosis Lung. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 191(7): 725-727.

Estrela S, Whiteley M, Brown SP (2015). The demographic determinants of human microbiome health. Trends Microbiology. 23(3) : 134-141.

Hidalgo-Romano B, Gollihar J, Brown SA, Whiteley M, Valenzuela E Jr, Kaplan HB, Wood TK, McLean RJ (2014). Indole Inhibition of N-acylated homoserine lactone-mediated quorum signalling is widespread in Gram-negative bacteria. Microbiology. 160(11): 2464-2473.

Erika R. Sams., Marvin Whiteley*, and Keith H. Turner* (2014). “The battle for life”: Pasteur, anthrax, and the first probiotics. J Med. Microbiol. In press.

Keith H. Turner, Jake Everett, Urvish Trivedi, Kendra P. Rumbaugh, and Marvin Whiteley (2014). Requirements for Pseudomonas aeruginosa chronic and acute murine wound infection. PLoS Genet. 10(7): e1004518.

Peter Jorth, Keith H. Turner, Pinar Gumus, Nejat Nizam, Nurcan Buduneli, and Marvin Whiteley (2014). Metatranscriptomics of the human oral microbiome during health and disease. mBio. 5(2): e01012-14.

Deepak Balasubramanian, Hansi Kumari, Melita Jaric, Mitch Fernandez, Keith H. Turner, Simon L. Dove, Giri Narasimhan, Stephen Lory, and Kalai Mathee (2014). Deep sequencing analyses expands the Pseudomonas aeruginosa AmpR regulon to include small RNA-mediated regulation of iron acquisition, heat shock and oxidative stress response. Nucl. Acid. Res. 42(2): 979-98.

Murray, J.L.; Connell, J.L.; Stacy, A.; Turner, K.H.; Whiteley, M. 2014. Mechanisms of synergy in polymicrobial infections. J. Microbiol. 52(3): 188-199.

Connell, J.L.; Ritschdorff, E.T.; Whiteley, M.; Shear, J.B. 2013. 3D printing of microscopic bacterial communities. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 110(46): 18380-18305.

Spivey, E.C.; Ritschdorff, E.T.; Connell, J.L.; McLennon, C.; Schmidt, C.E.; Shear, J.B. 2013 Multiphoton lithography of unconstrained three-dimensional protein microstructures. Adv. Funct. Mater. 23: 333-339.

Wessel, A.K., J. Liew, T. Kwon, E.M. Marcotte, and M. Whiteley. 2012. The role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipoproteins in outer membrane vesicle biogenesis. J. Bacteriol.

Aishwarya Korgaonkar, Urvish Trivedi, Kendra P. Rumbaugh, and Marvin Whiteley Community surveillance enhances Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence during polymicrobial infection PNAS 2013 110 (3) 1059-1064; published ahead of print December 31, 2012, doi:10.1073/pnas.1214550110

Jorth, P.A. and M. Whiteley. 2012. An Evolutionary Link Between Natural Transformation and CRISPR Adaptive Immunity, mBio. 3(5):e00309-12. doi:10.1128/mBio.00309-12.

Youle M, Rohwer F, Stacy A, Whiteley M, Steel BC, Delalez NJ, Nord AL, Berry RM, Armitage JP, Kamoun S, Hogenhout S, Diggle SP, Gurney J, Pollitt EJ, Boetius A, Cary SC. 2012. The microbial olympics. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2012 Jul 16;10(8): 583-8

Short-term adhesion and long-term biofouling testing of polydopamine and poly(ethylene glycol) surface modifications of membranes and feed spacers for biofouling control. Water Res. 46: 3737-53.

Schertzer JW and M. Whiteley. 2012. A bilayer couple model of bacterial outer membrane vesicle biogenesis. mBio 3(2). pii: e00297-11.

Chu W, Zere TR, Weber MM, Wood TK, Whiteley M, Hidalgo-Romano B, Valenzuela E Jr, McLean RJ. 2012. Indole Production Promotes Escherichia coli Mixed-Culture Growth with Pseudomonas aeruginosa by Inhibiting Quorum Signaling. Appl Environ Microbiol. 78(2): 411-9.

Stacy AR, Diggle SP, Whiteley M. 2011. Rules of engagement: defining bacterial communication. Curr Opin Microbiol. Dec 18.

Connell JL, Whiteley M, Shear JB. 2011. Sociomicrobiology in engineered landscapes. Nat Chem Biol. 2011 Dec 15; 8(1): 10-3

Huse, H. & M. Whiteley, (2011) 4-Quinolones: smart phones of the microbial world. Chemical reviews 111: 152-159.

Korgaonkar, A. K. & M. Whiteley, (2011) Pseudomonas aeruginosa enhances production of an antimicrobial in response to N-acetylglucosamine and peptidoglycan. J Bacteriol 193: 909-917.

*Faculty 1000 Evaluation
Rating 6: Recommended

Evaluated by: Giordano Rampioni and Paul Williams, University of Nottingham, UK

..this manuscript provides new insights into GlcNAc metabolism and sensing, opening up the possibility of P. aeruginosa adopting a peptidoglycan monitoring strategy to facilitate competition with Gram-positive bacteria occupying the same environmental niche…”

Liu, X., M. M. Ramsey, X. Chen, D. Koley, M. Whiteley & A. J. Bard, (2011) Real-time mapping of a hydrogen peroxide concentration profile across a polymicrobial bacterial biofilm using scanning electrochemical microscopy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108: 2668-2673.

Ng, D. W., C. Zhang, M. Miller, G. Palmer, M. Whiteley, D. Tholl & Z. J. Chen, (2011) cis- and trans-Regulation of miR163 and target genes confers natural variation of secondary metabolites in two Arabidopsis species and their allopolyploids. The Plant cell 23: 1729-1740.

Palmer, G. C., J. W. Schertzer, L. Mashburn-Warren & M. Whiteley, (2011) Quantifying Pseudomonas aeruginosa quinolones and examining their interactions with lipids. Methods Mol Biol 692: 207-217.

Palmer, K. L. & M. Whiteley, (2011) DMS3-42: the secret to CRISPR-dependent biofilm inhibition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Bacteriol 193: 3431-3432.

Ramsey, M. M., K. P. Rumbaugh & M. Whiteley, (2011) Metabolite cross-feeding enhances virulence in a model polymicrobial infection. PLoS pathogens 7: e1002012.

*Faculty 1000 Evaluation
Rating 9: recommended and must read

Evaluated by: Yvonne Sun and Mary O'Riordan; University of Michigan Medical School, USA

“…this key finding highlights the important role of the resident microbial community during infection, which can actively affect pathogen metabolism. Therefore, models that accommodate a polymicrobial setting may be needed in order to identify relevant metabolic requirements of a given pathogen.”

Evaluated by: Robert Palmer; National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health, USA

“…this manuscript demonstrates a situation in which direct association of a commensal oral bacterium with a periodontal pathogen results in increased virulence…Here, we learn that the ability of Aa to metabolize L-lactate in the presence of Sg results in enhanced persistence and increased virulence in a mouse abscess model. These results add to the growing body of evidence that, in vivo, Aa can respond directly and positively to the presence of Sg, and in a manner that has no detrimental effect for the commensal. A case of having one's cake and eating it too?”

Schertzer, J. W. & M. Whiteley, (2011) Microbial communication superhighways. Cell 144: 469-470.

Bull, J. J., T. S. Jessop & M. Whiteley, (2010) Deathly drool: evolutionary and ecological basis of septic bacteria in Komodo dragon mouths. PloS one 5: e11097.

Connell, J. L., A. K. Wessel, M. R. Parsek, A. D. Ellington, M. Whiteley & J. B. Shear, (2010) Probing prokaryotic social behaviors with bacterial "lobster traps". mBio 1.

*Faculty 1000 Evaluation
Rating 10: Exceptional

Evaluated by: Robert Palmer; National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health, USA

“A quorum of one? Or of millions? This paper elegantly shows that population size, while certainly important to the bacterial small molecule signaling that is known colloquially as 'quorum sensing', is just one factor in an equation that includes volume and flow rate (diffusion).”

Huse, H. K., T. Kwon, J. E. Zlosnik, D. P. Speert, E. M. Marcotte & M. Whiteley, (2010) Parallel evolution in Pseudomonas aeruginosa over 39,000 generations in vivo. mBio 1.

*Faculty 1000 Evaluation
Rating 8: Must read

Evaluated by: Lawrence Mulcahy and Kim Lewis; Northeastern University, USA

“This study identifies a small set of genes whose expression level is either up- or down-regulated in several strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from different cystic fibrosis (CF) patients and thus helps us to understand how this pathogen adapts during chronic infection of CF patients' lungs.”

Jorth, P. & M. Whiteley, (2010) Characterization of a novel riboswitch-regulated lysine transporter in Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. J Bacteriol 192: 6240-6250.

Laurent, J. M., C. Vogel, T. Kwon, S. A. Craig, D. R. Boutz, H. K. Huse, K. Nozue, H. Walia, M. Whiteley, P. C. Ronald & E. M. Marcotte, (2010) Protein abundances are more conserved than mRNA abundances across diverse taxa. Proteomics 10: 4209-4212.

Palmer, G. C., K. L. Palmer, P. A. Jorth & M. Whiteley, (2010) Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa transcriptional response to phenylalanine and tyrosine. J Bacteriol 192: 2722-2728.

Rogers, G. B., L. R. Hoffman, M. Whiteley, T. W. Daniels, M. P. Carroll & K. D. Bruce, (2010) Revealing the dynamics of polymicrobial infections: implications for antibiotic therapy. Trends Microbiol 18: 357-364.

Schertzer, J. W., S. A. Brown & M. Whiteley, (2010) Oxygen levels rapidly modulate Pseudomonas aeruginosa social behaviours via substrate limitation of PqsH. Mol Microbiol 77: 1527-1538.

*Faculty 1000 Evaluation
Rating 6: recommended

Evaluated by: Matthew Fletcher and Paul Williams; University of Nottingham, UK

“In this study, oxygen is shown to modulate alkyl quinolone-dependent quorum sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa via PqsH, an FADH-dependent mono-oxygenase that catalyzes the terminal step of Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) biosynthesis…Although hypothesised for some time, the confirmation of PqsH as the enzyme responsible in the final stage of AQ synthesis for the conversion of 2-alkyl-4-(1H)-quinolones to 2-alkyl-3-hydroxy-4-(1H)-quinolones -- and more specifically HHQ to PQS -- represents a significant milestone in our understanding of AQ biosynthesis and the oxygen dependent modulation of QS.”

Boulette, M. L., P. J. Baynham, P. A. Jorth, I. Kukavica-Ibrulj, A. Longoria, K. Barrera, R. C. Levesque & M. Whiteley, (2009) Characterization of alanine catabolism in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its importance for proliferation in vivo. J Bacteriol 191: 6329-6334.

Brown, S. A. & M. Whiteley, (2009) Characterization of the L-lactate dehydrogenase from Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. PloS one 4: e7864.

Ueda, A., C. Attila, M. Whiteley & T. K. Wood, (2009) Uracil influences quorum sensing and biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and fluorouracil is an antagonist. Microbial biotechnology 2: 62-74.

Ramsey, M. M. & M. Whiteley, (2009) Polymicrobial interactions stimulate resistance to host innate immunity through metabolite perception. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106: 1578-1583.

*Faculty 1000 Evaluation
Rating 6: recommended

Evaluated by: Robert Palmer; National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health, USA

“In the presence of a commensal streptococcus, a periodontal pathogen upregulates a protective factor against host defense -- good guys can make the bad guys badder.”

Schertzer, J. W., M. L. Boulette & M. Whiteley, (2009) More than a signal: non-signaling properties of quorum sensing molecules. Trends Microbiol 17: 189-195.

Mashburn-Warren, L., J. Howe, K. Brandenburg & M. Whiteley, (2009) Structural requirements of the Pseudomonas quinolone signal for membrane vesicle stimulation. J Bacteriol 191: 3411-3414.

Zhang, Y., M. Whiteley, J. Kreth, Y. Lei, A. Khammanivong, J. N. Evavold, J. Fan & M. C. Herzberg, (2009) The two-component system BfrAB regulates expression of ABC transporters in Streptococcus gordonii and Streptococcus sanguinis. Microbiology 155: 165-173.

Mashburn-Warren, L., J. Howe, P. Garidel, W. Richter, F. Steiniger, M. Roessle, K. Brandenburg & M. Whiteley, (2008a) Interaction of quorum signals with outer membrane lipids: insights into prokaryotic membrane vesicle formation. Mol Microbiol 69: 491-502.

*Faculty 1000 Evaluation
Rating 10: Must read

Evaluated by: Ben Lugtenberg; Leiden University, Netherlands

“Mashburn-Warren et al. studied the molecular mechanism by which the signal molecule PQS, the Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal 2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4-quinolone which is involved in quorum sensing, is involved in the formation of membrane vesicles by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They found that, together with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), PQS forms liposome-like structures with dimensions similar to natural membrane vesicles.”

Evaluated by: Fergal O'Gara; University College Cork, Ireland

“This paper extensively analyses the interaction between PQS, HHQ signal molecules, and the bacterial outer membrane lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Evidence is provided that PQS interacts with the acyl chains and 4'-phosphate of bacterial LPS.”

Mashburn-Warren, L., R. J. McLean & M. Whiteley, (2008b) Gram-negative outer membrane vesicles: beyond the cell surface. Geobiology 6: 214-219.

Brown, S. A., K. L. Palmer & M. Whiteley, (2008) Revisiting the host as a growth medium. Nat Rev Microbiol 6: 657-666.

Brown, S. A. & M. Whiteley, (2007) A novel exclusion mechanism for carbon resource partitioning in Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. J Bacteriol 189: 6407-6414.

Palmer, K. L., L. M. Aye & M. Whiteley, (2007a) Nutritional cues control Pseudomonas aeruginosa multicellular behavior in cystic fibrosis sputum. J Bacteriol 189: 8079-8087.

Palmer, K. L., S. A. Brown & M. Whiteley, (2007b) Membrane-bound nitrate reductase is required for anaerobic growth in cystic fibrosis sputum. J Bacteriol 189: 4449-4455.

Dietrich, L. E., A. Price-Whelan, A. Petersen, M. Whiteley & D. K. Newman, (2006) The phenazine pyocyanin is a terminal signalling factor in the quorum sensing network of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Mol Microbiol 61: 1308-1321.

Huang, J. J., A. Petersen, M. Whiteley & J. R. Leadbetter, (2006) Identification of QuiP, the product of gene PA1032, as the second acyl-homoserine lactone acylase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Appl Environ Microbiol 72: 1190-1197.

Aspedon, A., K. Palmer & M. Whiteley, (2006) Microarray analysis of the osmotic stress response in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Bacteriol 188: 2721-2725.

Mashburn-Warren, L. M. & M. Whiteley, (2006) Special delivery: vesicle trafficking in prokaryotes. Mol Microbiol 61: 839-846.

Moreira, C. G., K. Palmer, M. Whiteley, M. P. Sircili, L. R. Trabulsi, A. F. Castro & V. Sperandio, (2006) Bundle-forming pili and EspA are involved in biofilm formation by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol 188: 3952-3961.

Teitzel, G. M., A. Geddie, S. K. De Long, M. J. Kirisits, M. Whiteley & M. R. Parsek, (2006) Survival and growth in the presence of elevated copper: transcriptional profiling of copper-stressed Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Bacteriol 188: 7242-7256.

Mashburn, L. M., A. M. Jett, D. R. Akins & M. Whiteley, (2005) Staphylococcus aureus serves as an iron source for Pseudomonas aeruginosa during in vivo coculture. J Bacteriol 187: 554-566.

Mashburn, L. M. & M. Whiteley, (2005) Membrane vesicles traffic signals and facilitate group activities in a prokaryote. Nature 437: 422-425.

*Faculty 1000 Evaluation
Rating 19: Must read and exceptional

Evaluated by: Eric S Gilbert; Georgia State University, USA

“The authors' work provides a whole new concept of how prokaryotes signal to one another.”

Evaluated by: Gerald Pier; Harvard Medical School, USA

“Mashburn and Whiteley's work in this paper provides an excellent mechanistic explanation for how hydrophobic quorum-sensing molecules, such as the quinolone signals made by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, can be produced in a manner to mediate cell to cell communication.”

Palmer, K. L., L. M. Mashburn, P. K. Singh & M. Whiteley, (2005) Cystic fibrosis sputum supports growth and cues key aspects of Pseudomonas aeruginosa physiology. J Bacteriol 187: 5267-5277.

Ramsey, M. M. & M. Whiteley, (2004) Pseudomonas aeruginosa attachment and biofilm development in dynamic environments. Mol Microbiol 53: 1075-1087.

Smalley, D. J., M. Whiteley & T. Conway, (2003) In search of the minimal Escherichia coli genome. Trends Microbiol 11: 6-8.

Chugani, S. A., M. Whiteley, K. M. Lee, D. D'Argenio, C. Manoil & E. P. Greenberg, (2001) QscR, a modulator of quorum-sensing signal synthesis and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98: 2752-2757.

Kim, J. W., L. O. Flowers, M. Whiteley & T. L. Peeples, (2001a) Biochemical confirmation and characterization of the family-57-like alpha-amylase of Methanococcus jannaschii. Folia Microbiol (Praha) 46: 467-473.

Kim, J. W., H. A. Terc, L. O. Flowers, M. Whiteley & T. L. Peeples, (2001b) Novel, thermostable family-13-like glycoside hydrolase from Methanococcus jannaschii. Folia Microbiol (Praha) 46: 475-481.

Whiteley, M., M. G. Bangera, R. E. Bumgarner, M. R. Parsek, G. M. Teitzel, S. Lory & E. P. Greenberg, (2001a) Gene expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. Nature 413: 860-864.

*Faculty 1000 Evaluation
Rating 7: Recommended

Evaluated by: David A Relman; Stanford University, USA; Microbiology

“These observations provide clues about bacterial survival mechanisms and possible novel strategies for human intervention.”

Whiteley, M. & E. P. Greenberg, (2001) Promoter specificity elements in Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing-controlled genes. J Bacteriol 183: 5529-5534.

*Faculty 1000 Evaluation
Rating 6: Recommended

Evaluated by: Bonnie Bassler; Princeton University, USA; Microbiology

“The authors find that specific bases in the promoter elements of the various P. aeruginosa quorum sensing controlled genes are responsible for determining the specificity for interaction with a particular autoinducer-transcriptional regulator complex. This manuscript will be interesting to scientists who study promoter structure, promoter protein-DNA interactions and transcription.”

Whiteley, M., J. R. Ott, E. A. Weaver & R. J. McLean, (2001b) Effects of community composition and growth rate on aquifer biofilm bacteria and their susceptibility to betadine disinfection. Environ Microbiol 3: 43-52.

Whiteley, M., M. R. Parsek & E. P. Greenberg, (2000) Regulation of quorum sensing by RpoS in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Bacteriol 182: 4356-4360.

McLean, R. J., M. Whiteley, B. C. Hoskins, P. D. Majors & M. M. Sharma, (1999) Laboratory techniques for studying biofilm growth, physiology, and gene expression in flowing systems and porous media. Methods Enzymol 310: 248-264.

Whiteley, M., K. M. Lee & E. P. Greenberg, (1999) Identification of genes controlled by quorum sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96: 13904-13909.