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Marvin Whiteley, Ph.D.

Molecular Biosciences
University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Whiteley's Faculty Profile

Academic Background

2001-2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University

1997-2001 Ph.D. Microbiology, University of Iowa

1995-1997 M.S. Biology, Texas State University

1990-1995 B.S. Zoology, University of Texas at Austin


2013-Present Professor, University of Texas at Austin

Director, Center for Infectious Disease

2009-2013 Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin

2006-2009 Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin

2002-2006 Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma/Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Invited Seminars

2015          University of Florida, Drexel Medical School, University of Kansas, Texas State University, Mark Wilson Meeting Puerto Rico, University of Miami Ohio

2014          Medical College of South Carolina, Mark Wilson meeting St. Croix, Texas A&M University

2013          University of Alabama Birmingham, Biofilms 5 Paris, Mark Wilson Meeting Puerto Rico, Gordon Conference on Antimicrobial peptides, SGM Manchester, ASM General Meeting, SCELSE Singapore, University of Maryland, Pseudomonas 2013, Columbia University, Ohio State University, North American CF Conference, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Danish Microbiology Society

2012          Puerto Rico branch ASM, Harvard Medical School, Microbial Sciences Initiative (Harvard University), Mark Wilson Conference Aruba, Ohio Brach ASM, Forsythe Institute, ASM Prokaryotic Cell Biology, EMBL Heidelberg Germany, Mark Wilson meeting Aruba, 2nd International conference on model hosts, Rhodes Greece, Virginia Brach ASM, ASM meeting on Prokaryotic Cell Biology, University of North Carolina, Kansas State University, Loyola Medical School, University of Wyoming

2011          Univ. of California San Francisco, Alaska branch ASM, SGM meeting Harrogate UK, Pennsylvania branch ASM, Binghamton University, University of Vermont, University of Toledo, Mark Wilson meeting Puerto Rico, UT-San Antonio, Univ. of Wisconsin Madison, Gordon Conference on Microbial Population Biology, Gordon Conference on Microbial adhesion and signal transduction, Broad Institute, Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages Meeting, Virginia branch ASM, Pseudomonas 2011, Tufts Medical School

2010          Gordon Research Conference New Antibacterial Discovery & Development, Wake Forest University, ASM General meeting, University of Minnesota, 3M, Bacterial small talk symposium Copenhagen Denmark, Florida ASM branch meeting, North Carolina ASM branch meeting, Georgia Tech, University of Idaho, Session chair North American Cystic Fibrosis meeting

2009          St. Jude, University of Washington, Penn University, Yale University, University of Ottawa, Western Michigan University, Texas A&M Health Sciences Center, University of British Columbia, Biofilms 2009, Gordon Conference on Microbial population biology, University of Michigan, Technische Universitaet Braunschweig Germany, UT-Arlington, Harvard Schepens Eye Institute, UT-Southwestern, Symposium on Bacterial Cell Biology and Pathogenesis Sweden, King’s College London, University of Michigan

2008          Rice University, King’s College London, University of Nottingham, Michigan State University, Dartmouth Medical School, Baylor University, Emory Medical School

2007          Iowa State University, Society for General Microbiology Manchester UK, ASM General Meeting Toronto Canada, Cystic fibrosis conference, Gordon conference on microbial adhesion and signal transduction, Pseudomonas 2007, UT-Dallas, 15th Annual Microbial Genomics Conference

2006          California Institute of Technology, Univ. of California Santa Cruz, The Technical University of Denmark, The University of Texas at Austin, Colloquium on nontraditional communication systems ASM General meeting, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, Texas Branch ASM, Michigan Branch ASM, North Central Branch ASM, Gordon Conference on Bacterial Cell surfaces, Arrowhead Microbial Genomics Conference, Harvard Medical School, Washington University School of Medicine, Princeton University

2005          Pseudomonas 2005, Texas Branch ASM, Wind River Conference on Prokaryotic Biology

2004          Texas Branch ASM

2003          University of Texas at Houston Medical School, Oklahoma State University, Biofilms 2003


Honors and Fellowships

2014                            Elected to American Academy of Microbiology

2014                            ASM Division D Councilor

2013                            ASM Division D chair

2012                            William Tonn faculty endowed fellow, UT-Austin

2011                            Member faculty 1000, Microbial Physiology & Metabolism Section

2011                            ASM Division D chair-elect

2010-2012                   American Society for Microbiology branch lecturer

2010                            Associate editor, Microbiology UK

2010                            Editorial board, Journal of Bacteriology

2009                            Dean’s teaching excellence award, UT-Austin

2009                            Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow, National Academy of Sciences

2009                            President, Texas Branch ASM

2008-present               Standing member Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Research and Training Committee

2008                            Editorial board, Applied and Environmental Microbiology

2008                            Selected as a Burroughs Wellcome Investigator in Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease
* National competition selecting promising young investigators in microbial pathogenesis.

2008                            Merck Irving S. Sigal Memorial Award
* Only 2 awards given nationally. Given by the American Society for Microbiology for excellence in basic research in medical microbiology and infectious disease. Award presented at the national meeting.

2006-present               Appointed Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology Fellow, UT-Austin

2003                            OCAST Young Investigator Award ($300,000 grant)
* Only 2 awards given in the state of Oklahoma

2000                            Ura Barikrishna award for best paper presentation at ASM meeting

1999                            NIH Predoctoral Fellowship in Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing

1997                            Henry Norris Scholarship for Academic Excellence

1997                            Schultze Scholarship for Research Achievement

1997                            George W. Meyer Scholarship for Microbiology

1997                            NSF Predoctoral Fellowship: Gene Regulation and Bioremediation

1996                            O.B. Williams Award for Best Paper in Microbiology

1996                            Graduate Stipend award recipient, Southwest Texas State

1995                            Hemphill-Gilmore Scholarship for Academic Excellence

1995                            Henry Norris Scholarship for Academic Excellence

1994                            University Co-op Scholarship for Academic Achievement


Research Support

NIH                                                         07/15/07 to 06/30/14 (No cost extension)
Marvin Whiteley, PI. The molecular mechanism of bacterial outer membrane vesicle formation.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund               07/01/08 to 06/30/15
Marvin Whiteley, PI. Mechanistic Insight into host modulation of bacterial group activities.

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation                09/01/11 to 08/30/14 (No cost extension)
Marvin Whiteley, PI. P. aeruginosa antibiotic resistance in confined microcolonies

NIH                                                         07/01/11 to 06/30/15
Marvin Whiteley, PI. Metabolite sensing in an oral polymicrobial community

NIH                                                          02/06/11 to 01/31/14
Marvin Whiteley, Co-PI. Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in confined microcolonies.

NIH                                                          07/19/13 to 05/31/18  
Marvin Whiteley, PI. Probing polymicrobial synergy using high throughput genomics

Army Research Office                         07/01/13 to 06/30/17

Marvin Whiteley, PI. Polymicrobial virulence mechanisms in chronic wounds.

NIH                                                          12/05/13 to 11/30/15
Marvin Whiteley, Co-PI. The essential P. aeruginosa pan-genome during chronic infection

NIH                                                        02/15/14 to 1/31/16
Marvin Whiteley, PI. Genetic determinants of bacterial fitness in polymicrobial wound infections

Seton Hospital                                      06/01/14 to 08/31/14
Marvin Whiteley, Co-PI. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Gene Regulation and Metabolism in Cystic Fibrosis

NSF                                                          08/01/2013 to 07/31/14
Marvin Whiteley, subcontract. Beacon grant


                                                                              07/17/09 to 6/30/11  
Marvin Whiteley, Co-PI. Microfabricated 3D Environments for Characterizing Bacterial Group Behaviors

United States Department of Agriculture                   01/01/07 to 12/31/11
Marvin Whiteley, PI: Signal trafficking in the alfalfa symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation                                               08/18/06 to 08/17/11
Marvin Whiteley, PI. Pseudomonas aeruginosa metabolism in the CF lung

Advanced Research Program                                          06/01/08 - 05/31/10  
Marvin Whiteley, Co-PI. Profiling bacterial species' interactions

National Science Foundation                                           08/17/06 to 05/31/10
Marvin Whiteley, PI. Vesicle-mediated signal trafficking in Prokaryotes                 

National Science Foundation                                           08/17/06 - 05/31/10
Marvin Whiteley, PI. REU Supplement to Vesicle-mediated signal trafficking in Prokaryotes                                   

OCAST Young Investigator Award                                07/01/03 to 06/30/06
Marvin Whiteley, PI. Single cell genetic analysis of P. aeruginosa biofilms

NIH                                                                                          07/01/04 to 06/30/06
Marvin Whiteley, Co-PI. Biofilm formation in Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa)

NIH                                                                                          09/01/02 to 06/30/04              
Marvin Whiteley, Co-PI. Gene expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms

NSF EPSCOR                                                                          2003
Marvin Whiteley, PI. Equipment grant

OSU-Regents                                                                         2003
Marvin Whiteley, PI. Equipment grant.

Marvin Whiteley