Activities for Students

Students, check out the activities, speakers, and giveaways that are planned for this year's conference!
Improving Health Globally: A Career in Public Health Can Make it So! Eduardo Sanchez, MD, MPH
Italian Sub Sandwiches for the first 250 students!
Free Lunch!
Hot Topics in Public Health, including...
- Working in Global Health: What Does it Take?
- CSI Public Health: Tackling Emerging Disease and More in the Laboratory
- Digital Disease Detection: The Exciting World of Public Health Informatics!
- CDC Zombie Apocalypse: Emergency Preparedness 101 - A Viral Public Health Campaign
The first 30 students to arrive at each of the twelve scientific presentations will receive a bookplate redeemable for a free book of their choice in the exhibit hall!
Free Books!
12 pm - 5pm: EXHIBIT HALL
Need to know information on education and careers in Public Health from the experts.
- Meet epidemiologists, real-life disease detectives and other public health professionals
- Learn about:
- Graduate schools of public health and public health careers
- Undergraduate and graduate programs of public health at UT Austin!
- Fellowship and job opportunities at the CDC
Students will receive a “Become a Disease Detective” bag to collect materials while visiting the exhibit hall!
Free Bags!
12 pm - 5pm: FUN AND GAMES
- Level 4: Virus Hunters of the CDC (1pm to 3pm): Meet Drs. Joseph B. McCormick and Susan P. Fisher-Hoch and learn about what it’s really like to work with the hottest, most dangerous viruses on earth!
- How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse!(3pm to 5pm) Learn how to prepare for a Zombie invasion and other public health emergencies.
- Epidemic Case Studies! (1pm to 5pm) Participate in guided investigation of disease outbreak cases with professional epidemiologists.
- Iconography of Contagion Exhibit: About a hundred years ago, public health took a visual turn. Come see the visually gripping posters that health professionals used to organize coordinated public health campaigns.
5 pm- 6:30 pm: KEYNOTE SESSION
Innovation in the Control of the Neglected Tropical Diseases
Peter J. Hotez, MD, PhD
The Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are the most common infections of the world’s poorest people, a group known as “the bottom billion.” Come hear about the international efforts and partnerships that could lead to the elimination of key NTDs as public health problems by the end of this decade.
Free Pizza, Salad and Drinks!
6:30 pm: Pizza Dinner!
7:00 pm: Movie -- Contagion!
Free Movie!