Sampling Peabody art at the Yale West Campus (2012)
Meghan S. and Howard Ochman sample Peabody art at the Yale West Campus (2012)
Gordon B. and David W. (November 2012)
Eli P., Kate F., Katherine U-M. and Vince M. feed bees (July 2012)
Allison H. planting in the greenhouse (March 2012)
Ryuichi K. in the greenhouse
(March 2012)
Ryuichi K. at the microscope
(February 2012)
Yogeshwar K. works at the computer (February 2012)
Kelsey B. and Philipp E. view plates (February 2012)
Allison H. and Adam H. run the lightcycler (February 2012)
Daniella P. and Meghan S. sample bacteria (February 2012)
Kelsey B. and Waldan K. at the bench (February 2012)
Nibal F. in the lab (February 2012)
Eli P. teaches Kate F. PCR (January 2012)
Rahul R. and Daniel P. work in the lab (January 2012)
Baoyu T. marks plates (January 2012)
Dan S. and Ingrid R. view a gel
(January 2012) |
Vince M. and Eli P. collect pupae (September 2011) |
Jill D. removes bee bread from a frame (July 2011) |
Eli P. and Katherine U-M. in the lab (April 2011) |
Zakee S. and Charlie H. clean roach cages (Fall 2010)