Simone in the field.

Simone Cappellari

B.A.: University of Tuebingen, Germany. 2001

M.A.: University of Tuebingen, Germany. 2003

  • Thesis:  Flowers of Mecardonia tenella (Scrophulariaceae) as alternative scent source for males of Euglossa mandibularis (Apidae: Euglossini) - a case study on the Araucaria plateau in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Ph.D.: In progress

  • Dissertation research: Pollination Networks of Plant Communities of the Brazilian Cerrado.
  • Collaborator: Rosana Tidon, Universidade de Brasilia

Contact:  scappellari at mail.utexas.edu

Simone began in the Ph.D. program for Ecology, Evolution, and Behaviour in the Fall of 2005. 

Pic. 1: E. mandibularis male collecting on M. tenella flowers1

Pic. 2: Araucaria forest in RS, Southern Brazil.