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M, T, W, Th and F 11:30-1:00 ESB 223
Text Book:
Molecular Genetics of bacteria, 2nd ed., Snyder and Champness, ASM Press
In addition, the following books (on reserve in the science lib) may be
Microbial Genetics, 2nd ed., Maloy, Cronan and Freifelder, Jones and Bartlett
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th ed., Alberts et. al. Garland Publishing
Molecular Cell Biology, 4th ed., Lodish et. al. W. H. Freeman and Company 2000.
Principles of Genetics, 2nd ed., Snustad and Simmons, John Wiley and Sons 2000.
Students are expected to have taken BIO 325 and BIO 226R or their
equivalent and obtained a grade of at least C in each of these courses. You are
expected to review / recall the material you covered in those courses as and
when needed.
I will not repeat what has already been covered in the prerequisite courses.
BIO 366 is designed to cover the following:
Since we will be covering most of the chapters in the textbook, in pretty much the same order as they appear in the text (exception: DNA repair), it will be to your advantage if you will read the text before coming to class (even if you do not understand some of the concepts). You will get much more out of the lecture if you come prepared for the class. Reading other texts (as mentioned above in suggested reading) and journal articles (on related topics) will prove helpful and perhaps appeal to your intellect a lot more.
Even though attendance will not be taken in lecture, it is in your interest to attend each class period. The material covered in the class will be emphasized on the exam.
Examinations and grading policy:
There will be three written exams. The first two exams will each count for 35%
of your final grade and will be in-class exams. The third exam will
count for 30% of your grade and will be during the scheduled time and place for
finals. The date for each of the exams is on the syllabus. There will
be several styles of questions in the exam e.g. multiple choice, fill in the
blank, matching, true - false, labeling the diagram, and those requiring a
short answer.
Missed Exam:
Students who missed an exam due to compelling and well-documented circumstances
may be given a comprehensive make-up exam at the end of the semester. Check
with me for time and place for the make-up (before the end of the semester).
Grading system:
The following criterion will be used for assigning grades. However, a curve may
be applied after the finals.
A grade: 90% and above | B grade: 80 to less than 90% |
C grade: 70 to less than 80% | D grade: 60 to less than 70% |
F grade less than 60% |
Re-grading exams:
When submitting exams for re-grading, please make sure that you indicate in
writing on another sheet of paper the nature of the mistake, attach it to your
exam and return the exam within two class periods from the day the graded exam
was returned in the class. You must compare your answers to those posted on the
key. Exams returned for re-grading are subject to being re-graded for all the
questions. That is, as a result of re-grading, your grade may become either
higher or lower.
Exams will not be re-graded more than once.
Academic dishonesty in any form will be reported to the Dean’s office and will result in a course grade of “F”. Exams are photocopied for comparison. A UT ID must be presented in order to turn in your exam.
Students with disabilities:
The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic
accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information,
contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641.
Important UT Dates:
Please check the Summer course schedule for 2005 to determine the add/drop
dates, including the last day (i) to drop a class without a possible academic
penalty, and (ii) to drop a class for academic reasons or to change
registration to or from the pass/fail or credit/no credit basis.
Study habits that will help you do better in the exam:
of Biological Sciences | College of
Natural Science
The University of Texas at Austin |
Biological Sciences Computer Support Facility