There will be two written exams; dates are on the syllabus. Exams are on Friday evening: if you ALREADY know that you WILL NOT be able to take the exams during these times, give a WRITTEN note to your TA and to Dr. Saxena, (stating the reason why you will NOT be able to take the exams) BY THE SECOND CLASS MEETING TIME.
Make-up exam will be given to students who missed Exam I (due to excused absence as mentioned above OR due to illness or serious documented emergency) on the day of the second exam.
Make-up exam will be given to students who missed Exam II (due to excused absence as mentioned above OR due to illness or serious documented emergency) sometime during the Finals week. Check for date and time from your TA or from Dr. Saxena.
Dr. Saxena must be notified within 48 hours of the missed exam; documentation of illness or emergency must be presented in writing. You must also bring a copy of your Finals schedule to Dr. Saxena, (for those who need to make up the second exam).
Review Sheets | |
Exam 1 (word doc) | Exam 2 (word doc) |
Sample Exams | |
Exam 1 |
Exam 2 |
Sample 5 | Sample 5 |
Sample 4 | Sample 4 |
Sample 3 | Sample 3 |
Sample 2 | Sample 2 |
Sample 1 | Sample 1 |
School of Biological Sciences |
College of Natural Science
The University of Texas at Austin |
Biological Sciences Computer Support