Investigating microbial evolution
Lab news
• Sohyoung Won joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow from the lab of Heebal Kim at Seoul National University. (March 2025)• Jamie Alfieri joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow from the labs of Giri Athrey and Heath Blackmon at Texas A & M University. (July 2023)
• Postdoctoral fellow opening in the Ochman lab. Apply here (2023)
• Kiran Gurung joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow from the University of Groningen in the Netehrlands. (January 2023)
• Congratulations to Marta Cobo Simón (postdoctoral fellow) on her new position as Postdoctoral Fellow in the lab of Jaime Huerta Cepa at the Center for Plant Biotechnology and Genomics in Madrid, Spain. (January 2023)
• Emily Cook joins the lab as a Research Associate. (September 2022)
• Congratulations to Paul Kirchberger (postdoctoral fellow) on his new position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mircobiology and Molecular Genetics at Oklahoma State University. (September 2022)
• Congratulations to Marian Schmidt (postdoctoral fellow) on her new position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mircobiology at Cornell University. (January 2022)
• Rowan Hart and Archan Patel join the lab as and undergraduate research assistants. (Feb./Mar. 2021)
• Marta Cobo Simon joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow from the lab of Carlos Pedrós-Alió and Javier Tamamesat the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC), Spain (January 2021)
• Research assistant, Angela O'Donnell enters graduate school this fall at the University of Texas Austin, microbiology. (September 2020)
• Hassan uz-Zaman joins the lab as a graduate student in Cell and Molecular Biology. (May 2020)
• Congratulations to Alex Nishida on being awarded a Spring 2020 Stengl-Wyer Graduate Fellowship. (April 2020)
• Howard Ochman's lab is hiring a postdoctoral researcher. Details at opportunities. (September 2019)
• Zachary Martinez joins the lab as a Research Assistant (July 2019)
• Landry Luker joins the lab as and undergraduate research assistant (May 2019)
• Congratulations to Marian Schmidt (postdoctoral fellow) on being awarded a 3-year Simons Postdoctoral Fellowships in Marine Microbial Ecology (November 2018)
• Marian Schmidt joins the lab as a Postdoctoral fellow from the lab of Vincent Denef at the University of Michigan (November 2018)
• Jennifer Lavoie joins the lab as and undergraduate research assistant (November 2018)
• Angela O'Donnell joins the lab as a Research assistant (October 2018)
• Steven Kyle joins the lab as a Research assistant (July 2018)
• Congratulations to departing postdoctoral fellow, Louis-Marie Bobay, on his new job as Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. He starts in January. (November 2017)
• Paul Kirchberger joins the lab as a Postdoctoral fellow from the lab of Yan Boucher at the Univerity of Alberta. (September 2017)