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9.2-2. Longitudinal section of spurge stem (Euphorbia). This
section has three non-articulated laticifers. The one on the right appears to become narrow or blocked in two areas
(arrows), but it is an undulating tube that has bent close to the edge of the
section. Where it appears wide with a white lumen, the microtome knife has cut
the front and back walls away completely. Where it appears narrow and solid red,
the knife has left either the front or the back wall in the section. The middle laticifer appears to suddenly stop
in the bottom part of the micrograph, but it probably has just turned, so the
microtoming has simply cut away that part. The laticifer might really stop at
this point, but if so, we would expect the end wall of the cell to be thin and
well-defined like the side walls; the end that it displays here is thick and
ill-defined, which looks like a glancing cut through a curved tube. To the left
are a few splotches of red; that is where the microtome just barely caught a bit
of wall material of another laticifer.