Dimorphic wood is known just from
cacti and had not been discovered when Plant Anatomy (Mauseth) was
written, but by now many types are known, and it is widespread in the family. For
more information, see the following papers: 1.
Mauseth, J. D., and B. J. Plemons. 1995. Developmentally variable, polymorphic
woods in cacti. American Journal of Botany 82: 1199 -- 1205. 2. Mauseth, J. D., and B. J.
Plemons-Rodriguez. 1997. Presence of paratracheal water storage tissue does not
alter vessel characters in cactus wood. American Journal of Botany 84:
815 -- 822. 3. Mauseth, J. D., and B. J. Plemons-Rodriguez. 1998. Evolution of extreme xeromorphic characters in wood: A study of nine evolutionary lines in Cactaceae. American Journal of Botany 85: 209 -- 218. |