research on cacti in
South America See
A Cactus Odyssey
for more information about field research travels in South America. |
This page of the website is intended to describe the
glamour and ease of field research. Most of my research is done in a modern,
air-conditioned lab, of course, just a few feet from the Drag (the business
street next to the UT campus, with restaurants, taverns, Texadelphia and The
Hole in The Wall) but for some reason I have preferred to study specimens that
have grown under natural conditions in their own hot, dry, dusty habitats far
from both barbecue and Shiner Beer. That means fairly extensive travel through
much of Central and South America, the home to the great majority of cacti
(cacti originated and diversified greatly in South America for millions of years
before finally spreading north to Mexico and the United States). Although many
cacti are indeed desert plants, a large percentage of them are adapted to
grasslands, forests, rainforests, and even high altitude alpine areas, so field
work on cacti might mean travel through rain, mud, and near-freezing conditions
– and it is not easy to buy rain gear or heavy winter coats in Texas.
Vehicles and roads.
The first thing that is necessary for tracking down cacti
is a good field vehicle. In much of South America, the major cities are
connected by good, paved roads that allow you to zip along at 60 or 70 mph. But
of course few cacti grow in such convenient locations and it is a good idea to
have a four-wheel drive vehicle that can survive on dirt roads, navigate up dry
washes that serve as roads when it is not raining, or that can follow along a
semi-scraped trail that a bulldozer might have "cleared" at some point in the
long-distant past. So much for good ideas – I often participate in special
courses on desert plant biology at local universities and they then provide a
bus and some neophyte students for a field trip. A university bus and a 4W drive
jeep are at opposite ends of the spectrum of field vehicles, but buses have
gotten us into – and out of – many precarious places in South America. Having a
bulldozer nearby doesn’t hurt.

The Universidad Nacional Agraria La
Molina in Lima, Peru, has provided this bus for our field work many times. |

It is
always handy to have a bulldozer nearby, especially if it has been
raining. |
Dirt roads are not too bad. In the dry season – which for
most deserts is most of the year – they are smooth and flat and hard, and you
and zoom along at 40 or 50 mph, depending on how much bouncing and jostling your
spine can tolerate. But of course few plants grow where there is never, ever any
rain, so if the almanac says that the rainy season is over at the beginning of
April, don’t plan your trip for the last of March. Many remote areas just don’t
have bridges, none at all: a road will simply cut down to the river bed and
emerge from the other side, which is just fine when the river is bone dry.
Mountain roads are special. Most of the Andes – home to
scores of cactus species – are higher than the Rocky Mountains of the USA, but
whereas Interstate 70 has four well-paved lanes sweeping easily through the
Rockies, most roads crossing the Andes tend to be a bit narrower and to have
tighter curves that are not quite as safe at 70 mph. Even under dry conditions
they can be scary, but when it is raining, you face the possibility that the
road will wash away ahead of you, and by the time you have turned around, it has
washed away behind you. I must admit, I have never been stuck on a mountain road
longer than four or five hours, and was able to use that time to look for cacti.
Not a
bad road, at least during daylight. |
not to look down. |
Only 4
inches of mud between the outermost tire and the edge of the cliff. |
Nice flat
dirt road in Bolivia -- easy traveling. |
Nice flat
dirt road in Bolivia, 30 minutes later -- stuck for hours waiting for it
to dry out. |
road, one railroad, one bridge -- perfectly safe as long as no train is
coming and if you don't stop in the middle to take pictures. |
Helpful signs.
Of course, if you are going to be traveling in Latin
America, it helps to speak Portuguese (if in Brazil) or Spanish (everywhere
else); Latin won’t quite work anywhere. You may have heard that you can get
along even if you don’t speak the local language because there will always be
someone around who speaks English; that is true enough in all large cities. But,
yes, you guessed it, cacti don’t grow in large cities. And out in the
countryside, most cacti are probably as fluent in English as most of the local
folks. But never fear, often there will be informational signs that you can
figure out even if you know just a bit of Spanish.
no cactus here. |
Didn't help as much as we'd hoped. |
folks are so popular everywhere that people put out signs welcoming us
Longhorns. Photo by James Folsom. |
verb is pretty rare. |
Se prohibe...... |
We just
kept driving to the nearest bar. |
Variable. Outside the big cities, hotels are never
expensive. They will probably be much, much simpler than anything most Americans
ever experience, but after a long day photographing, collecting and dissecting
plants, the only thing you will be interested in is a clean room, a shower,
dinner and a means of rehydrating (just in case anyone reading this needs
convincing: beer is always sterile [if you drink it directly from the bottle],
has water that will rehydrate you, carbohydrates for energy, and electrolytes).
accommodations for molecular geneticists, not plant anatomists. |
abandoned sawmill in Panama was home while searching for epiphytic,
rainforest cacti. |
Sleeping accommodations in the abandoned sawmill: a sleeping bag in string
hammock. The hammock opens out to be a real hammock only if you get into
it carefully enough to not fall on your butt in the process. |
An airy place to sleep in Bolivia, but it is best to never sleep under
thatched roofs -- they are breeding grounds for the beetles that carry
Chagas disease. |
village in southern Panama was home for a few days. |
Choco kids. |
Food is excellent everywhere in Latin America. Breakfast
is usually bread/pastry and rich coffee (especially the café con leche). It is
worth the time and trouble to go to Argentina just for the coffee and medias
lunas. Lunches can be bread and cheese out in the field or some sort of sandwich
and papas fritas in a restaurant. Dinner varies by the country: Argentina has
beef (duh), and in Chile you would swear you are eating a great home-cooked meal
in the American Midwest; Bolivia has stews that are wonderful. Peru seems to
have the most varied food, but a newbie at field research in Peru should not
pass up cui (roast guinea pig, served with head, tail and all four legs intact
-- I have not met a gringo yet that has ordered it a second time). On the other
hand, I have had the best pizza ever in Churín, Peru. For a really out of the
ordinary experience, try dining in a local marketplace. All but the smallest
towns have a marketplace that sells all sorts of vegetables, meat (usually in a
form so complete that you can identify it to species) and eggs as well as
general produce such as clothing, pots and pans, and CDs. Most markets have
short-order food stalls where you can watch your food being prepared. Another
dining experience that will confirm you are not in Kansas anymore is to try a
parrillada: the restaurant brings you a brazier with hot coals and various cuts
of meat which finish cooking at your table. Don’t be a coward and order
solamente musculos (muscle meat like we eat in the US), instead get a gran
surtido: you will have the opportunity to eat all sorts of organs that you would
not have considered edible (come to think of it, most really aren’t: udder –
ubre – is like eating sponge, but with less flavor).
Biologists can encounter many plants that are unfamiliar to them in
marketplaces. Corn comes in a zillion colors, sizes, shapes and uses. |
Potatoes, as the Incas cultivate them. |
Brooms. |
selling meat in marketplace -- that is the spine of something hanging from
the hook. |
feel like you have learned all the biology your brain can hold? Buy some
more in the market. |
before we enjoy a fresh chicken dinner. |
Husks (paleas
and lemmas) are removed from rice by pounding then the mix is tossed into
the air on a windy day -- light husks blow away, heavier grains fall
straight down. |
Something our guides shot in Panama. Don't know what it was, but was
pretty good cooked with rice and lots of seasoning. |
Field work in Latin America is pretty much free of any
danger from large animals other than taxi drivers in big cities. An angry llama
will spit at you but that is not quite the same threat as an angry grizzly in
the Rocky Mountains. You also don’t have to be worried about being charged by
moose, buffalo, bears or mountain lions, although there are large cats in
Bolivia and Brazil. Poisonous snakes do occur in the desert regions but often
areas rich in cacti have so much open ground and such sparse vegetation that
snakes are visible from a distance. Studying rainforest cacti will bring you
into contact – or at least hearing range – of many interesting animals. I’m not
sure which makes more racket – troops of howler monkeys or flocks of parrots –
but hearing howler monkeys as you are setting up camp in a rainforest will
definitely encourage you to pitch your tents as close together as possible. For
those of you who do not like snakes, keep in mind that rainforests provide a
three-dimensional habitat for snakes: they can be on the ground with you, in the
bushes around you and in the trees above you – ugh. Little animals will probably
be your biggest worry. Any area with dry grasses and shrubs will have ticks or
other little bitey things whose sole role in life is to annoy botanists.
After searching for cacti in dense brush all morning, we stopped at a
ranch house and discovered this. They were having trouble with their
cattle because there were so many jaguars in the area. Afternoon was spent
in the car looking out the windows. |
know what bugs were biting me, but only got the one leg, and the marks
went away after a few weeks. |
Dangerous wild animals everywhere -- but we botanists are fearless. |
samples from tall cacti is not always easy (and those spines really hurt),
but at least nothing can go wrong.... |
almost nothing can go wrong....Where do you get a sterile dressing in the
middle of nowhere -- cut open a fresh potato with a clean knife -- the
inside is sterile and moist. |
broken bones this time. |
Side benefits of field research.
In addition to becoming familiar with plants as they occur
in their own natural conditions, field research has many side benefits. First,
you get to be some place cooler and less humid than Austin in the summer. Beyond
that, you get to see awesome mountains, plains, forests, rivers. Only the most
myopic person could travel through South America and not notice the many
stunning plants other than cacti – forests of Araucaria trees, little
succulent violets that look like miniature purple traffic cones, mound-like
llareta plants. Ruins of ancient civilizations are everywhere, reminding you
that many of the higher areas have been farmed so intensively for thousands of
years that you must be careful in deciding which vegetation is natural and which
has been affected by human activities. There are all sorts of interesting people
to meet and work with, although often the most eccentric of characters are the
other botanists you will be traveling with. Plus all the food, lodging and
travel experiences – if survived – are wonderful benefits as well. So if your
parents are planning on giving you a trip to London or Paris or Rome as a
graduation present, tell them no, you’d rather do cactus research in South
One unusual thing you might see traveling in South America: We came across
a red hillside.... |
Farmers were
gathering the red material.... |
Chili peppers drying in the sun. After harvest, the farmers spread the
chilis on the soil for several days to dry. Although not visible in the
photo, there were millions of bees everywhere on the chilis. |
Churches are everywhere... |
Hillside covered with thousands of small terraces for cultivating crops.
These were built by Incas, but Inca populations now are so low that only a
few terraces are still cultivated. |
in Cuzco, Peru -- these are not actors. |
This railroad
bridge in Chile was not built by Incas, of course, but by Alexandre
Gustave Eiffel -- I believe he also built a tower in Paris. |
wonderful plants: Oreocereus celsianus growing near the border
between Argentina and Bolivia. |
Can you guess
what this is? It is a very short "tree" of Maihuenia poeppigii, a
cactus that grows at high, cold altitudes in the far southern parts of
Argentina and Chile. The yellow bodies are fruits. |
Oreocereus celsianus with fruits. |
This travel has taught me many
things, one is especially memorable:
Often, our endeavors (such as studying Biology) may seem like such a long,
endless road to nowhere......... |
that we are tempted to cry out "Lord, give me a some kind of a sign" .... |
[End of Field Research page]