Life on the African Savanna

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Drinking elephant herd (Loxodonta africana) in Botswana.

Blue WildebeestConnohaetes taurinus on their regular migration route between the Serengeti Plains and the Masai Highland in East Africa.

One of the many colorful birds of the savanna is the Vulturine Guineafowl (Acryllium vulturinum).

The white rhino ()has been dramatically decimated by poachers. Only a few hundred remained in the wild under stric protection.

The jacana (Actophilornis africanus) is a typical bird of the marshlands on the savanna.

Fish eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer).

Four of the many different antelopes in the svanna. Dama gazella Gazella dama, top left, Leechwe Kobus leche, top right, hartebeest Alcelaphus buselaphus, bottom left and sable antelopeHippotragus niger, bottom right.

Cheetah with her cub.

Buffalo Bubalus caffer(left) and Gerenuk, or giraffe-necked gazelle Litocranius walleri.

The painted reed frog (Hyperolius sp.) is one of the many frogs in the wetlands.

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