Life in the American Rainforest

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Jaguar (Panthera onca), the elusive predator of the jungle.

The colorful quetzal (Pharomachus mocinno) (left), and the motmot (Momotus motmot) inhabit the montane and the lowland forests,respectively. Bottom, the common three-toed sloth (left) and one of the several species of giant spiders, or tarantulas.

Some typical animals of the American rainforest. Top left: The famous Golden Toad (Bufo periglenes) which occurs exclusively at a small spot in the Central Cordillera in Costa Rica. Bottom: Two of the many poisonous dart-poison frogs that inhabit the forest floor. Left, Dendrobates granuliferus from Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica, right, D. reticulatus from Equador.

The largest mammal in the American rainforests is the Baird's tapir ().

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