MIC 361 Course Policy
Enrollment in MIC 361: You must have completed the prerequisites for MIC 361 prior to enrollment, i.e. MIC 228 and MIC 129Kwith a grade of at least C in each. Students who do not have these prerequisites will be dropped from the course.
EXAMS & GRADING: A total of 4 exams are scheduled for the semester. Three exams are scheduled during the semester and will be taken during the regularly scheduled class time. The fourth exam, a comprehensive final is scheduled during the final exam period. Exams will be composed of several types of questions including essays, short answer, and multiple choice. The final exam will be similar in design to the other exams. Questions will be taken from lectures and assigned reading and potential essay questions will be distributed in advance of the exams.
Final Grades in this course will be determined as follows
SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY: Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any infraction of this policy will result in at least dismissal from this course with a grade of F. Students will adhere to the following rules:
You will be expected to spell correctly (this includes names of
microorganisms, diseases, and technical terms) and to write
clearly and legibly.
You are expected to have fun in this class. Ask questions, make comments and try to enjoy learning about infectious diseases.
No whining to the instructor or TA! Constructive comments are always appreciated and we will make accommodations where we can but complaints about things that cannot be changed will make us bad tempered. You are, of course, welcome to whine to your fellow students, family and friends.
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Last updated on 01 September 1999