Gastrointestinal Pathogens Causing Diarrhea, Dysentery, Enteric Fever, Pseudomembranous Colitis and Food Poisoning

Lecture 33 - Paradigms of Gastrointestinal Infections - The Five Faces of E. coli

Reading Assignments: (1) Text Chapters 16, 17, 57, 73 (2) “Colonization I: Adherence”, pp. 189-201, In McClane, B.A. and T.A. Mietzner. 1999. Microbial Pathogenesis: A Principles-Oriented Approach, Fence Creek Publishing, Madison, CT. (3) “Infectious Diarrhea”, In Gates, R. H. 1998. Infectious Disease Secrets, Hanley and Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia. (4) Gilligan, P.H., M. L. Smiley, and D. S. Shapiro. 1997. (Case 65, pp. 297-300), Cases in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (2nd. Ed.), ASM Press, Washington, D.C.


A. Infections caused by E. coli can be confined to the intestinal tract or they can disseminate throughout

the body. Diseases associated with E. coli include diarrhea, dysentery, hemolytic uremic syndrome,

bladder and kidney infections, septicemia, pneumonia and meningitis.

B. How can one pathogen cause so many different diseases? Because, each single pathogenic E. coli

has acquired a different set of virulence genes that are encoded on a variety of mobile genetic

elements including plasmids, bacteriophages, transposons and pathogenicity islands. All 5 of the

E. coli diarrheal pathogens carry at least one virulence-related property on a plasmid. (Review

Stanley Falkow's Article – What is a Pathogen? pp. 361-362).

C. The “Five Faces of E. coli “ –the E. coli strains that cause diarrheal diseases. These strains include

several emerging pathogens of worldwide public health importance and have been the focus of a

tremendous amount of research in the last decade. Material presented taken from Reading

Assignment (2) and a recent review in the January 1998 issue of Clinical Microbiology Reviews – by

James P. Nataro and James B. Kaper entitled “Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli “.



Virulence factors shared in common:

A. Adherence

Type 1 pili- allow E. coli to attach to mannose receptors associated with

the host cell surface and may allow strains to co-aggglutinate through

bacteria-bacteria interactions

B. Toxins

Endotoxin- elicit inflammatory response

C. Siderophores- iron acquisition

1. enterobactin (enterochelin)- genes carried chromosomal genes

2. aerobactin – caried on plasmids – associated with extraintestinal


Pathogenic strategies vary depending on the virulence factors carried by each of the five groups of E. coli.


A. Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)

1. Diseases (associated with two major clinical syndromes)

a. Infant (weanling) diarrhea in children of the developing


Endemic in the developing world. ETEC contamination in the environment is

prevalent and most infants will be exposed to the pathogen upon weaning.

Sporadic infant diarrhea due to ETEC varies from 10-30% in endemic areas;

highest incidence in warm wet months, when multiplication of ETEC in food

and water is the highest. Mucosal immunity develops with increasing age and

children and adults have a very low incidence of symptomatic disease.

Immune asymptomatic individuals may shed large numbers of virulent ETEC

organisms in the stool and contaminate food and water sources. A high

infectious dose is required for infection.

b. Traveler's diarrhea (See Reading Assignment (3) pp. 241- 242)

The predominant cause of traveler's diarrhea among immunologically naïve)

adults from the developed world visting areas where ETEC is endemic.

2. Symptoms

Illness has an abrupt onset with a short incubation period (14-50h); diarrhea

watery without pus or blood. Diarrhea may be mild, brief, and self limiting, or

may result in severe purging similar to V. cholerae infection.

Most life-threatening cases occur in weanling infants in the developing world.

3. Pathogenesis (See Reading Assignment (2) and Text Fig. 16.2, p. 181)

a. Overview: ETEC strains (like V. cholerae) colonize the mucosa of the small

intestine using Type I pili and other CFA's (pili) and elaborate two enterotoxins:

labile toxin (LT) and stable toxin (ST). Strains may express LT alone, ST alone, or

LT and ST. The result of the action of the enterotoxins is watery (secretory)

diarrhea, without white or red blood cells. The mucosa is not visibly damaged

and there is no inflammatory response.

b. Virulence Factors

1. Colonization Factors: Adherence is mediated by several distinct pili called

colonization fimbrae (CFAs)

a. CFA/I- rigid rod-shaped fimbriae

b. CFA/II and CFA IV - Flexible fibrillar pili

CFA genes are encoded on plasmids which also encode LT

and/or ST.

2. Enterotoxins

a. Heat labile toxin (LT) – closely related to CT : 1) oligomeric structure

like CT (5 B subunits; 1 A subunit) (2) identical action to CT- binds to

GM1 ganglioside, internalized into a vesicle, activation of Gs

regulatory subunit of adenylate cyclase (at the basolateral membrane

of the intestinal epithelial cell), increased cAMP. Net result is

increased electrolyte and fluid secretion and inhibition of resorption

resulting in increased fluid in the lumen of the intestine -watery


b. Heat stable toxins (STa and STb) – small monomeric protein toxins;

bind to membrane spanning enzyme guanylate cyclase (GC),

stimulating GC activity, leading to increased intracellular cGMP levels.

This lead to net intestinal fluid secretion.

B. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) (See Case Study “Baby D”in Text p. 177)

1. Disease

a. EPEC in the Developing World - associated with infant diarrhea (infants less

than 2 years).

b. EPEC in the Developed World

1. 1940's and 1950's – associated with frequent outbreaks of infant

diarrhea – nosocomial and community outbreaks – 50% mortality

2. Last two decades – outbreaks associated with day care centers and

on pediatric wards. Outbreaks in adults - foodborne. A recent study

where DNA probe technology was used to survey infants with

diarrhea in Seattle indicated that the frequency of EPEC exceeded

the rates of E. coli O157:H7, Campylobacter, Salmonella, and


2. Epidemiology – Transmission is via the fecal-oral route with contaminated hands,

contaminated weanling foods or formula, or contaminated fomites serving as vehicles.

Numerous studies demonstrate the spread of infection though hospital nurseries or in

day care from an index case. Admission of an infected infant to a pediatric ward can

result in contamination of cribs linens, toys, tabletops, hand towels, scales, carriages,

pacifiers, etc.

Reservoirs – symptomatic or asymptomatic children and asymptomatic carriers,

including mothers and persons who handle infants. Uncommon adult outbreaks linked

to food and water.

3. Pathogenesis

a. Overview- EPEC strains adhere to the mucous membrane of the small

intestine via Type 1 pili and plasmid mediated bundle forming pili (BFP),

destroy the brush border, and cause extensive rearrangement of host cell

actin (attaching-and-effacing lesions – characteristic histopathology). The

severe watery diarrhea which results is not due to an enterotoxin but to the

direct damage to brush border with the disruption of absorption by the

enterocytes. A host inflammatory response is found but without fecal

leukocytes in the stool.

b. Steps in Pathogenesis (3 stages):

1. EPEC bind loosely to the cell surface via plasmid- encoded bundle-

forming pili (BFP). The binding of the bacteria is necessary for the

next stage.

2. The binding induces several signal transduction pathways in the

eukaryotic cell, leading to increased intracellular calcium,

rearrangement of intracellular actin, and destruction of the micovilli.

The bacterial genes responsible for the signal transduction are

encoded on a 35 kb pathogenicity island called the locus of

enterocyte effacement (LEE). Included in the LEE are a type III

secretion system, multiple secreted proteins, and a bacterial adhesin

called intimin (involved in the final stage of pathogenesis).

3. The bacterium bind closely to the epithelial membrane via an

afimbrial adhesin (the outer membrane protein intimin, and bacterial

gene products cause disruption and rearrangement of the

cytoskeleton, forming the characteristic EPEC pedestal with

intimately adherent organisms (the attaching-and-effacing lesion.)

Mechanisms of diarrhea- dramatic loss of microvilli leads to malabsorption

diarrhea. Recent reports indicate that an increased intestinal permeability in

response to EPEC infection and a local inflammatory response may also

contribute to diarrhea.

C. Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC)

1. Disease – persistent watery diarrhea in infants in developing countries. High

prevalence on the Indian subcontinent and in South America. Causes sporadic

endemic diarrhea and epidemics in hospital nurseries. Characteristic symptoms

include watery, mucoid, persistent, secretory diarrhea with low-grade fever and

to no vomiting.

2. Pathogenesis – not well understood

a. Discovered by investigators observing that some E. coli strains isolated during

studies of diarrhea adhered to Hep-2 cells in tissue culture via aggregative

adherence – characterized by layering of the bacteria in a stacked brick


b. Overview – EAEC strains adhere via Type I and AAF pili and enhance mucus

secretion from the mucosa; bacteria are seen trapped in a densely packed

bacteria-mucus biofilm. A cytotoxin elaborated by the bacteria damages

the enterocytes. Diarrhea may result from the interference of absorption by

the thick mucus-biofilm, damage to the enterocyte, and the host's

inflammatory response.

c. Steps in Pathogenesis (proposed 3 stage model):

1. Initial adherence to the intestinal mucosa and/or the mucus layer using Type 1

pili and flexible bundle forming pili – aggregative adherence fimbriae (AAF)

2. Enhanced mucus production, leading to deposition of a thick mucus

containing biofilm encrusted with EAEC. The blanket may promote persistent

colonization and perhaps nutrient malabsorption.

3. Elaboration of an EAEC cytotoxin (Enteroaggregative ST-like toxin-(EAST) )

results in damage to the intestinal cells. It is possible that malnourished hosts

may be particularly impaired in their ability to repair this damage leading to

perisistent-diarrhea syndrome.

Although the site of EAEC infection in the human intestine has not

been determined, it is probably the small intestine.

D. Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)

1. History

a. Two key epidemiological observations – 1983

1. Riley, et al –linked outbreak of HC to E. coli O 157:H7

2. Karmali, et. al – sporadic cases of HUS associated with fecal cytotoxin and

cytotoxin producing E. coli strains in stools

Led do a recognition of a new class of enteric pathogens causing intestinal and

renal disease.

b. Detection of cytotoxin production in cultured cells:

Karmali – add culture filtrates of E. coli O157:H7 to cultured Vero cells produced

a unique cytopathic effect.

O'Brien – extracts of E. coli O157:H7 were cytotoxic for HeLa cells and the

cytotoxic activity could be neutralized by antitoxin against S. dysenteriae type 1

Shiga Toxin. Showed many diarrheal E. coli strains produced shiga-like

toxins (SLT) and that SLT and Vero cytotoxin were the same toxin.

Karmali – proposed the Vero cytotoxin/ SLT was the common virulence factor

between HC and HUS and that it damaged both intestinal and renal tissue.

c. E. coli O 157:H7 – a new emerging pathogen? YES!

1. Was it really new a new pathogen or just previously undiagnosed?

CDC, Public Health Laboratory in UK, and Laboratory Center for Disease

Control in Canada did retrospective studies on isolates from the 70's and

80's– could not find it.

2. Where did it come from?

HUS known prior to 1982 to be rarely associated with Stx-producing S.

dysenteriae. The genes for Stx are encoded on a bacteriophage. O 157:H7

strains closely related to O55:H7 EPEC strains, a serotype long associated

with worldwide outbreaks of infant diarrhea. Non-O157:H7 strains of E. coli

that produced Stx may have been around for decades, but it was only with the

emergence in the early 1980's of the O157:H7 clone that produce Stx that this

pathogenic class of E. coli was recognized.

2. Pathogenesis

a. Overview – O 157:H7 E. coli strains produce a bloody diarrheal syndrome known as

Hemorrhagic Colitis (HC). Disease in pediatric patients may include Hemolytic

Uremic Syndrome (HUS) which results in acute kidney failure. Although multiple

virulence factors may play a role in pathogenesis, two are well recognized: attaching

and effacing lesions, and the production of one or more Shiga toxins. Shiga toxin

is responsible for symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract and after absorption in the

bloodstream, for damage to the kidneys.

b. Attachment and Effacement (A/E)- similar to EPEC

1. Localized adherence: EHEC 60 MDa plasmid – encodes enterohemolysin and

fimbrial antigen possibly involved in the initial colonization step.

2. Signal transduction – encoded on LEE on the chromosome similar to EPEC.

3. Intimate adherence – mediated by intimin- also encoded by the LEE

c. Shiga Toxin (Stx)

1. Two major groups of Stx – the genes are encoded on bacteriophages

inserted into the chromosome.

a. Stx 1 – identical to Stx of S. dysenteriae type 1

b. Stx 2 – share sequence homology with Stx1

c. Strains can express Stx 1, 2 or both.

d. Stx 1 and 2 are A-B extotoxins:

1. 5 B subunits bind to a glycolipid receptor

globotriaosylceramide (Gb3).

2 The holotoxin is transported into the cell in an endocytic

vesicle and then to the Golgi apparatus and ER.

3. The A subunit is translocated to the cytoplasm, and the A1

subunit removes an adenine residue from the 28S rRNA,

disrupting protein synthesis and causing cell death.

2. STx is essential for development of HC and bloody diarrhea.

3. In humans, Stx produced in the intestine is assumed to translocate to the

bloodstream across epithelial cells. Human renal endothelial cells have a

high concentration of Gb3 receptors, suggesting that binding to this tissue

causes renal injury and development of HUS. Stx is believed to damage the

glomerular endothelial cells, leading to narrowing of capillary lumina and

blockage of glomerulomicrovasculature with platelets and fibrin.

4. Stx also induces macrophages to express TNF and IL-6 and these cytokines

may also play a role in the pathogenesis of renal damage.

d. Enterohemolysin – found on 60MDa plasmid- lysis of red cells to release heme and

hemoglobin to enhance growth and serve as a source of iron? (see below). Lysis of

leukocytes? Contributes to inflammation and HUS.

e. Iron transport – special system allows the bacterium to utilize heme or hemoglobin

directly as an iron source. (69dK outer membrane protein synthesized under

conditions of Fe stress)

3. Epidemiology

a. Transmission – contaminated food or water; most outbreaks by round beef. Foods

other than ground beef can serve as vehicles including roast beef, raw milk, salami,

unpasteurized apple cider and juice, sandwiches, and ranch dressing. Recent

outbreaks – fruits and vegetables – radish sprouts, lettuce and alfalfa sprouts.

Unchlorinated municipal water and swimming water have also caused outbreaks.

Person-to person spread in day care centers and chronic-care facilities.

b. Animal Reservoir – the intestinal tracts of healthy cattle. Beef is contaminated

during slaughter and the grinding process carries the pathogens from

the surface throughout the meat. If cooking is incomplete, the bacteria

survive and are ingested, reach the colon, and multiply.

c. Infectious dose – low – less than 50 organisms

d. Fecal excretion can occur for several weeks

e. Geographic and Seasonal Factors

1. Found worldwide but most commonly reported in Canada, the U.S., and the


2. Infections most common in warmer months, peak incidence from June-Sept.

4. Clinical Manifestations

a. Incubation period – 3-4 days

b. Nonbloody diarrhea preceded by crampy abdominal pain and a short-lived fever.

c. Diarrhea becomes bloody within 1-2 days with abdominal pain that lasts 4-10 days

“all blood and no stool”- HC.

d. With most patients, the bloody diarrhea will resolve without apparent sequelae, but in

about 10% of patients younger than 10 years (and in elderly patients), the illness

progresses to HUS.

e. HUS (defined by a triad of hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal failure)

1. Initial clinical manifestations include oligouria or anuria, edema, pallor and

sometimes seizures.

2. Most patients recover with supportive therapy, but 3-5% of affected children

will have severe sequelae including renal impairment, hypertension, or CNS


f. More severe disease associated with Stx 2.

5. Treatment

a. Supportive care

Treat HUS with dialysis, hemofiltration, transfusions of packed RBC's and

platelets. 50% of patients with HUS require dialysis and 75% receive blood

transfusions. Severe disease may require kidney transplant.

b. Antibiotics?

1. Use of antibiotics does not appear to alter the course of the disease.

2. Retrospective studies indicate that antibiotics may increase the risk of HUS

possibly by (1) lysis of bacteria leading to increased release of toxin; (2)

antibiotic therapy kills the intestinal microflora of the colon leading to

increased systemic absorption of the toxin.

c. The use of antimotility agents is associated with HUS by delaying the clearance of the

organisms and thereby increasing the toxin absorption.

E. Enteroinvasive E. coli (See Lecture 34)

3. E. COLI O4:H5 – A CAUSE OF URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS (See Reading Assignment (2)

BONUS EXAM #3 – Describe the Reservoir and Tranmission, the Virulence Factors and the

Pathogenesis of uropathogenic E. coli O4:H5

Two key epidemiological observations- 1983

Riley – linked outbreaks of hemorrhagic colitis (hc) to e. Coli


Karmali – linked sporadic cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome

(hus) to cytotoxin producing e. Coli strains

A new class of enteric pathogens that caused intestinal and

Renal disease