Lecture 29 Viral Hepatitis- Part 1

Reading Assignments: (1) Text Chapters 42, Chapter 57, p. 524. (2) Gilligan, P.H., M.L. Smiley, and D.S. Shapiro. 1997. Cases 30, 31, and 32. In: Cases in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (2nd ed.), American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.


A. Basic Anatomy of the Liver

1. Where is the Liver Located?

Located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen in the peritoneal space just below

the right diaphragm and under the rib cage. It weighs approx. 1400 g in the

adult and is covered by a fibrous capsule.

2. How Does Blood Flow Through the Liver?

The liver receives nearly 25% of the blood from the heart (approx. 1500 ml of

blood/min) from two sources:

a. venous flow from branches of the hepatic portal vein; and

b. arterial flow from branches of the hepatic artery.

Blood from these vessels comes together in the liver sinusoids; the combined blood

flow exits via the central veins. The central veins come together to form hepatic

veins which drain into the inferior vena cava. Within the liver sinusoids, there are

large gaps between endothelial cells which allows close contact between plasma

and the liver cells (which are called hepatocytes). Anchored to the endothelial cells of

the liver sinusoids are many Kupffer cells- the fixed macrophages of the RES

system .

3. How is the Liver Organized?

a. The liver is organized in lobules of hepatic plates (organized around

individual central veins).

b. The hepatocytes are arranged in plates of single cells lying in a

cage of supporting cells.

c. The bile canaliculi are fine tubular canals that run between hepatocytes,

usually occurring singly between each adjacent pair of cells, and forming a

3-dimensional network of polyhedral meshes, with a single cell in each

mesh. Bile (see below), is made by the hepatocytes and drains into the bile

canaliculi and then into the bile ducts (see below). If the normal function

of the hepatocytes is disrupted (as occurs with the disease hepatitis), the flow

of bile is interrupted (cholestasis, see below).

B. Functions of the Liver

1. Formation and secretion of bile (see below).

2. Nutrient and Vitamin Metabolism

Glucose and other sugars, amino acids, lipids, fatty acids, cholesterol,

lipoproteins, fat-soluble vitamins, water soluble vitamins

3. Inactivation of Various Substances

Toxins, drugs, steroids, other hormones

4. Synthesis of Plasma Proteins

Acute phase proteins, albumin, clotting factors, steroid-binding and other

hormone-binding proteins

5. Immunity

Kupffer cells- part of the RES system

C. Bile and Bilirubin


1. What is bile and what is its purpose?

Bile is a fluid secreted by the liver which is poured into the small intestine via the

bile ducts. Important constituents of bile: conjugated bile salts (made from

cholesterol) , bile pigments (including bilirubin) , cholesterol, and electrolytes.

Bile alkalizes the intestinal contents, and conjugated bile salts reduce surface

tension and with phospholipids and monglycerides emulsify fats in preparation for

their digestion and absorption in the small intestine. When bile is excluded from

the intestine, up to 50% of ingested fat appears in the feces.

2. Where is bile made and where is it stored?

Bile is synthesized by the liver heptocytes, collected by the bile canaliculi, and

drained into hepatic bile ducts, the common bile duct, and then into the duodenum. Between meals, the opening into the duodenum is closed, and the bile flows into the gallbladder, where it is stored. When food enters the mouth, the sphincter around the opening relaxes, the gall bladder contracts,

and bile enters the duodenum.

3. How is bile recirculated in the body?

From 90 to 95% of the bile salts are reabsorbed from the small intestine and are

transported back to the liver in the portal vein and excreted into the bile again

(enterohepatic circulation). The small amount of bile that is lost in the stool is

replaced by synthesis in the liver. (The entire pool recycles twice per meal and

6-8 times per day)

4. How can disease of the gallbladder occur?

Any condition that leads to cholestasis can lead to an infection of

the gallbladder - cholecystitis.

Cholestasis – stoppage or suppression of the flow of bile:

1. extrahepatic causes - due to obstruction from a stone, stricture, or


2. intrahepatic causes - due to liver cell disease, e.g. hepatitis.

Cholecystitis – inflammation of the gall bladder.

SEE TEXT P. 524-525.

Infections of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) are usually the result

of gallstone formation. When stones form in the gallbladder or become wedged in the cystic duct, the normal drainage of bile is impaired. This can result in infection, edema and compression of the local blood supply, which in turn can cause acute disease (including gas gangrene) in the gallbladder (See Reading Assignment (2) Case Study 30 – emphysematous (gas-forming) cholecyctitis due to C. perfringens and Text CASE 2, p. 524- cholecystitis due to E. coli and enterococci. Infections in the gallbladder can progress to bacteremia (See CASE 2, above),sepsis, and liver abscess formation.

Gallbladder infections can occur without the presence of gallstones if an enteric pathogen ascends from the intestines via the common bile duct and the cystic duct into the gallbladder. Common bacterial pathogens responsible for such infections include Salmonella species (remember Typhoid Mary???) and Campylobacter species.


4. What is bilirubin and how does it end up being excreted in bile and ultimately

into the feces?

Bilirubin is made during the catabolism of hemoglobin. When old red blood

cells are destroyed by the fixed macrophages of the RES, the globin portion of

the hemoglobin molecule is split off, and the heme is converted to biliverdin.

(The iron in the heme is totally recycled.) Most of the biliverdin is then converted

to bilirubin and is transported in the blood bound to albumin. From the

bloodstream it is taken up by liver hepatocytes and conjugated to form a water

soluble pigment (bilirubin diglucuronide) which is excreted into the bile

canaliculi and ultimately into the small intestine as part of bile.

(An interesting note: The intestinal bacteria convert bilirubin into urobilinogen, and it is this brown pigment that is excreted in the stool.)

5. What does bilirubin have to do with the symptom of jaundice (icterus) seen in

patients with viral hepatitis?

During viral hepatitis, the hepatocytes are unable to take up and process bilirubin in

the normal fashion (described above) and excessive concentrations build up in the

blood (hyperbilirubemia)- leading to jaundice.

Jaundice - (Fr. Jaune – yellow) a syndrome characterized by hyperbilirubinemia

and deposition of bile pigments in the skin, mucous membranes and sclera (the

tough white outer coat of the eyeball) with resulting yellow appearance of the

patient; called also icterus.

Patients with jaundice are said to be icteric.

D. Capacity of the Liver for Regeneration

When hepatocytes are lost to disease (such as hepatitis) or if the liver is surgically

resectioned, poorly understood mechanisms stimulate the proliferation of the remaining

hepatocytes. More than 50% of the liver must be damaged or destroyed before liver

function fails. Regeneration of liver cells is rapid, but fibrous repair, when infection

persists, can lead to scar tissue.

E. Types of Liver Disease

1. Hepatitis

a. Definition – inflammation and damage to the liver

b. Symptoms – vary from malaise, anorexia and nausea to acute life-

threatening liver failure (rare). Associated with elevations of liver enzymes

such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate amino transferase


2. Cirrhosis – liver disease characterized pathologically by loss of the normal

microscopic lobular architecture, and replacement with scar tissue.

Cirrhosis is the result of progressive liver injury. In cirrhosis, the liver becomes hard,

shrunken, and nodular and displays impaired function and diminished reserve due to a

decreased amount of functioning liver tissue. Blood flow is altered so that blood in the

hepatic portal vein is diverted around the liver rather than being filtered through the

liver. This results in a heightened sensitivity to noxious substances absorbed from the

GI tract (causing encephalopathy) , an increased risk of massive gastointestinal

bleeding, and malabsorption of fat in the stool. These changes are generally

irreversible (2).

E. The Liver as a Site for Viral Replication (see Text p. 391-392)

Pathogens (viral, bacterial, or protozoal) cross from the bloodstream into the liver

hepatocytes (Review Lectures 5 and 6). The regenerative capacity of the liver hepatocytes is

important for the host to recover from hepatitis, but it also provides new hepatocytes for the

pathogens to multiply in.

F. Immune Defenses of the Liver (nonspecific and specific)

1. Circulatory and lymphatic networks give excellent access to the immune system.

2. Kupffer cells aid in clearance pathogens from the bloodstream, induce inflammation,

and act as antigen presenting cells.

3. Extracellular pathogens – humoral immunity (neutralization by antibodies)

4. Intracellular pathogens – cellular mediated immunity – killed by TC cells


Many viruses can infect the liver and cause disease including (yellow fever virus, Lassa virus, and

several of the herpesviruses (HSV, EBV, and CMV), but five known viruses display marked tropism for

hepatocytes, and only cause hepatitis. (A 6th virus- provisionally designated hepatitis G

is currently uncharacterized.)

A. Hepatitis A virus – commonly known as infectious hepatitis is a picornavirus which is spread

by the fecal-oral route. It has an incubation period of approx. 1 mo., after which icteric

symptoms start abruptly. It does not cause chronic liver disease and rarely causes fatal


B. Similar to Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E virus (called enteric non A, non B) is also an enteric virus

(provisionally classified as a calcivirus) that is spread via the fecal-oral route. It has a short

incubation period like HAV and disease begins abruptly. Like Hepatitis A, there is no chronic

disease or carrier state.

C. Hepatitis B, previously known as serum hepatitis is caused by a hepadnavirus with a DNA

genome. It is spread parenterally by blood or needles, by sexual contact, or perinatally. It has

a mean incubation period of approximately 3 months, after which icteric symptoms start

insidiously. It is followed by chronic hepatitis in 5-10% of patients, and is causally associated

with primary hepatocellular carcinoma.

Previously, any undefined cause of viral hepatitis that was not Hepatitis A or B was called

NANB. That designation covered what we now know as Hepatits C, G and E viruses.

D. Hepatitis C virus is spread by the same routes as Hepatitis B and can also cause chronic

disease. It is a flavivirus with an RNA genome and it has a somewhat different clinical course.

The new virus, Hepatitis G is also a flavivirus but it can only be identified by PCR techniques.

E. Hepatitis D, or delta hepatitis is unique in that it requires actively replicating BV as a “helper

virus” and occurs only in patients who have active HBV infection. HBV provides an envelope

for HDV RNA and its antigen or antigens. Delta agent exacerbates the symptoms caused by

hepatitis B virus.

Specific laboratory tests for hepatitis A and B viruses available for years; now tests for the

others are becoming available. Liscensed vaccines only for hepatitis A and B.


HAV and HEV share a number of physical and biological characteristics:

A. Both are nonenveloped, RNA viruses with icosahedral capsids. They both

have single-stranded genomes of + polarity. (Since they belong to different

families, there are differences in their structure, genome replication, and their

molecular mechanisms of translation and RNA replication.)

What Makes A Viral Pathogen Hot???

Since HAV and HEV do not have lipid envelopes, they are resistant to

inactivation by acids (including the acid in the stomach), detergents (including bile in the small intestines), and temperatures as high as 60C. They can survive in fresh and salt water for many months.

B. Both have a similar incubation period, an abrupt onset and typically cause acute, self-limited

infections. They are not associated with chronic hepatitis or hepatocellular carcinoma.

C. Epidemiology

1. Fecal-oral transmission. Both HAV and HEV replicate primarily in the liver and

reach the intestinal tract following secretion from the hepatocytes into biliary canaliculi

and passage through the bile ducts. Their resistance to bile allows them to be

transmitted this way.

2. Because these viruses have a direct route to the outside- they are associated with

explosive outbreaks of hepatitis (not seen with the other hepatitis viruses).

3. Both are associated with common-source outbreaks -sources of infection include

contaminated water, food, and dirty hands.

How does the virus get into the water???

How does the virus get into food???

How does the virus get onto hands???

a. Important sources of the virus: shellfish, especially clams, oysters, and

mussels. (Filter feeders -concentrate the virus particles even from dilute


Ex. Epidemic of HAV occurred in Shanghai, China, in 1988 in

which 300,000 people were infected with the virus as the result

of eating clams obtained from a polluted river.

b. Daycare settings – a major source of infection. Can spread among

the children and then to parents.

c. Related to poor hygienic conditions and overcrowding.

1. Developing countries – infected as children and have mild


2. Developed countries – infections occur later in life.

d. Infections often associated with travel to developing countries.

e. Pregnant women – high mortality associated with HEV.

4. Both are associated with asymptomatic shedding since contagious period occurs

before symptoms.

4. HEPATITIS A VIRUS (causes 40% of cases of acute hepatitis)

(See Reading Assignment (2) Cases 31 and 32)

A. Structure

Typical picornavirus; 27nm, naked icosahedral capsid surrounding a + sense genome. HAV

genome has Vpg protein attached to the 5 end and a poly A tail attached to the 3 end.

There is only one serotype of HAV.

B. Replication – like other picornaviruses (review this replication cycle). Tissue Tropism – HAV

interacts specifically with a receptors expressed on liver cells and a few other cell types.

Unlike other picornaviruses, HAV is not cytolytic and is released by exocytosis.

C. Pathogenesis and Immunity

1. Ingested and enters the bloodstream through the oropharynx or the epithelial lining of

the intestines to reach the hepatocytes of the liver. The virus can be visualized inside

Kupffer cells and the hepatocytes.

2. HAV replicates slowly in the hepatocytes without producing CPE.

3. Virus produced in the hepatocytes is released into the bile and from there into the

stool. Virus is shed in the stool about 10 days before symptoms appear or antibody

can be detected. Thus asymptomatic persons can spread the infection!

4. Interferon limits initial viral replication, but cytotoxic T cells are required to lyse

infected cells. Antibody, complement, and ADCC also facilitate clearance of the virus

and contribute to immunopathology.

5. Jaundice (icterus) resulting from liver damage, occurs when antibody is detected and

cell-mediated immune responses to the virus occur.

6. Liver pathology indistinguishable from Hepatitis B infections. Most likely caused by

immunopathology not virus-induced cytopathology. Unlike HBV, HAV cannot initiate

chronic infections and it is not associated with liver cancer. Immunity to reinfection is


D. Epidemiology (see above)

E. Clinical Syndrome

1. Abrupt onset (15-50 days after exposure)

2 Initial symptoms fever, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain.

3. Symptoms intensify for 4-6 days before jaundice appears (seen in 2/3 adults but only

1-2/10 children).

4. After jaundice appears, symptoms begin to recede.

5. Viral shedding occurs before symptoms begin.

6. Complete recovery – 99% of the time.

F. Laboratory Diagnosis

1. Clinical symptoms

2. Identification of a known infected source

3. Elevation in liver enzymes

4. Specific serological tests.

a. Acute infection – find anti-HAV IgM antibodies (measured by


b. Convalescent – find anti-HAV IgG antibodies

G. Treatment, Prevention, and Control

1. Preventioninterrupt the fecal oral spread of the virus. Avoid contaminated food and

water. Proper handwashing in day care centers, mental hospitals, and other care

facilities. Chlorination of water kills the virus.

2. Passive immunization with immune serum globulin given before or early in the

incubation period (less than 2 weeks after exposure) is 80-90% effective in preventing

clinical illness.

3. Inactivated HAV vaccine – recommended as prophylaxis against hepatitis A in high-

risk groups – international travelers, military personnel, male homosexuals, and those

in close contact with an active hepatitis A case. Also suggested for daycare workers,

health care workers, closed-institution occupants and patients with chronic liver

disease, and food handlers.