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Thursday, Sept. 22, 2005:  Two items to note.
1. As the literature readings are chosen, I'm posting them in the syllabus, so be sure to check there regularly for those readings.
2. In their infinite wisdom, Amanda and Deepa have decided to have you do the Brooks and McLennan and Harvey and Pagel text readings on adaptation on different days.  Consequently you will have literature readings on adaptation on both of the days that they will be leading the discussion.  See the syllabus for the details.  (As of today, I have only moved the date for the Harvey and Pagel reading on adaptation.  I do not yet have the literature readings to post.)

Friday, Sept. 9, 2005:  A couple of you noticed that there was a problem with the link to the readings for Monday.  I have fixed the links, so everything should be working fine now.  Let me know ASAP if you continue to have problems.